J.W.HARDT // SREDZKISTRASSE 20 // 10435 BERLIN // jackie at hardtfeld dot com
I combine the mystical
with the mundane.
I express my love with a personal alchemists view
on metaphysics and the science of art in a modern world.
I combine the mystical
with the mundane.
I express my love with a personal alchemists view
on metaphysics and the science of art in a modern world.
I combine
I express my love with a personal alchemists view on metaphysics and the science of art
The content of this website and its external media is geverned by the copyright laws of GERMANY / WORLDWIDE.
It is not allowed to: share / use / reproduce or alter without explicit written permission by HARDTFELD / Jackie Hardt
The content of this website and its external media is geverned by the copyright laws of GERMANY / WORLDWIDE.
It is not allowed to: share / use / reproduce or alter without explicit written permission by HARDTFELD / Jackie Hardt
The content of this website and its external media
is geverned by the copyright laws of GERMANY / WORLDWIDE.
It is not allowed to: share / use / reproduce or alter
without explicit written permission
by HARDTFELD / Jackie Hardt