Hardtfeld - about - the dragonfly's dream

“I am a seeker – and a finder!”

I embarked on the spiritual path in my late teens, when I had the first out-of-body experiences with Reiki, meditation and bodywork.

Since then, I have been engaging with the possibilities of trancendence and transformation.

Connecting the dots backwards:

In my life I have experienced manifold dark nights of the soul – which led me to resume my spiritual practice, more intensively than ever before. The decades I had spent on personal development were now being put into practice.

I delved deeper into Energy Healing, Breathwork, Shadow Work, Psychology, and Philosophy, took Aromatherapy and Acupoints and Yin Yoga teacher trainings, and was my own best soulmate in the search for my true self and my purpose as an empath and scanner personality. 

I went through all personality tests under the sun, from Jung’s Archetypes to the Enneagram, to the boundless expanse of metaphysics: I studied Numerology, cautiously approached Astrology and the Sabian Oracle aswell as the Mayan Dreamspell and the I-Ching and tried to overlay as many templates as possible until a clear picture would emerge. These are the tools I use in my analysing work.

Since mid-2017, I have been intensively involved with Human Design and through relentless research,  I found the Gene Keys, which have now become a significant part of my work:

To lead any project to success by staying attuned to current and future trends, combining the mystical with the mundane.

My gift is visionairy strategy – the innate ability to assess, plan, and implement a direction that aligns with universal forces.

I assist individuals and projects in becoming more focused and efficient – even if it requires updating or discarding old thought patterns.

Imagine having the
“producer of the film” for your project,

  • making decisions about the cast, screenwriter, and production design, ultimately leading everyone to the best possible success.

I am a seeker
– and a finder.

I embarked on the spiritual path in my late teens, when I had the first out-of-body experiences with Reiki, meditation and bodywork.

Since then, I have been engaging with the possibilities of trancendence and transformation.

Connecting the dots backwards:

In my life I have experienced manifold dark nights of the soul – which led me to resume my spiritual practice, more intensively than ever before. The decades I had spent on personal development were now being put into practice.

I delved deeper into Energy Healing, Breathwork, Shadow Work, Psychology, and Philosophy, took Aromatherapy and Acupoints and Yin Yoga teacher trainings, and was my own best soulmate in the search for my true self and my purpose as an empath and scanner personality. 

I went through all personality tests under the sun, from Jung’s Archetypes to the Enneagram, to the boundless expanse of metaphysics: I studied Numerology, cautiously approached Astrology and the Sabian Oracle aswell as the Mayan Dreamspell and the I-Ching and tried to overlay as many templates as possible until a clear picture would emerge. These are the tools I use in my analysing work.

Since mid-2017, I have been intensively involved with Human Design and through relentless research,  I found the Gene Keys, which have now become a significant part of my work:

To lead any project to success by staying attuned to current and future trends, combining the mystical with the mundane.

My gift is visionairy strategy – the innate ability to assess, plan, and implement a direction that aligns with universal forces.

I assist individuals and projects in becoming more focused and efficient – even if it requires updating or discarding old thought patterns.

My aim is to help you fall in love
with yourself again.
Or maybe for the first time.


hardtfeld : Expansion through vision and service.