Channeling and mediumship – attuning to receive higher communication and insights.
What is Channelling & what is Mediumship?
Some call it intuition or gut feeling – you might have experienced it when in “the flow” creating.
I remember the first time I consciously realised – while writing lyrics for a song – how I felt deeply connected to something outside of me: The words were flowing effortlessly: I would just write and write. Then I would finetune the wording a little bit – and there it was: A complete song, or story – or later in my carrer life – a business outline.
I realized that I was “connected” in moments of unforced creation.
The ingredients were to be in love with what I was doing and to allow inspiration to come in without limiting thoughts or expectations of the outcome.
Years later, when my work also included personal and brand consulting – I almost had nothing to prepare when meeting with clients or mentees. When I felt safe and appreciated, when I intrinsically knew I had nothing to prove – the words and wisdom would flow right in – leaving everyone involved with goosebumps, utter joy and a raised level of energy.
I then learned that when you have goosebumps and the hairs on your skin are standing up, it is referred to as “having chills” or experiencing “hair standing on end.” This physiological reaction is known as piloerection. It can occur in response to various stimuli, including strong emotions like fear, excitement, or the sense of awe, (as well as in response to cold temperatures, haha).
I love to see it as antennas for connecting with the divine forces of creation – an affirmation of being on the right track, if you will.
Consider this: Your brain is freed of the egoic construct and turns into a “radio” tuned in to the right frequency to translate energy – like a collaboration with higher spirits.
When I do card readings, it is most evident: There is a profound wisdom in the interpretations – that surely does not come from me. Afterward, I often do not even recall what I have said, but the receiver of the message is moved and presented with a practical solution for the question they sought an answer to.
Some famous channelers in history :
Jane Roberts, Seth
An American author and medium who channeled an entity named Seth. Her channeling sessions produced a series of influential books known as the Seth Material, which gained widespread recognition.
Dion Fortune
A British occultist, Fortune claimed to channel messages from spiritual beings and wrote extensively on topics related to esotericism and mysticism.
Alice Baily
An influential writer and theosophist, Bailey claimed to receive teachings from a spiritual entity known as Djwhal Khul through a form of automatic writing
Aleister Crowley
While controversial, Crowley claimed to have received messages from a being named Aiwass, which formed the basis of his spiritual philosophy known as Thelema.
Andrew Jackson Davis
Often called the “Poughkeepsie Seer,” Davis was a 19th-century American trance medium who delivered lectures and writings while in a trance state.
Here’s a brief overview of each:
Channeling involves allowing an external entity, often considered to be of a higher spiritual consciousness, to communicate through an individual.
The channeler typically enters a meditative or altered state of consciousness. In this state, they may receive messages, information, or guidance from the entity they are channeling.
Channeling is applied to gain spiritual insights, receive guidance, and access higher knowledge. Some channelers claim to connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, or extraterrestrial beings.
Channeling and mediumship are both practices associated with communicating with entities or energies beyond the physical realm.
Contemporary channelers:
Esther Hicks – Abraham // Daryl Anka – Bashar
Lee Harris – The “Z’s” // Paul Selig – The Guides
Mediumship is the practice of connecting with and communicating with spirits of the deceased. Mediums act as intermediaries between the living and the spirit world.
Mediums actually channel aswell from non-corporeal entities with the focus on showing the continuity of consciosness – serving as evidence that death is only for the physical body. Mediumship provides comfort for those still in the physical body, offering solace and closure to individuals who have lost loved ones.
Mediums and channelers alike apply various techniques to receive messages and impressions, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or trance states, to establish a connection with spirits.