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“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell.

In the myth and narrative of the Hero/ines journey, the protagonist always reaches a point where they have to confront a dragon and choose to either slay it and enter the cave – or turn back. It is a pivotal moment in their journey, as they must face their fears and overcome obstacles to advance towards their ultimate goal.

I would like to suggest a different approach: 

How about you show your strength and present yourself as equally bold and fierce as the dragon – and not act in reactive violence, but instead BEFRIEND that dragon? Because, after all, the cave is metaphoric for your fears and shadows. 


Hardtfeld: drinking tea with the dragon

For me, the core of the Heros journey is not about vanquishing external dragons or accumulating material gains. Instead, it resides in the inner metamorphosis and the stories we return with – kindling inspiration in those around us. 

Befriending the dragon and its cavern on your journey signifies the innate wisdom of wholeheartedly loving yourself.

Accept every shadow – and if you allow it to be – it is not as daunting and scary. Instead, transmute the so-called negative aspects into what becomes your gift:


Your core wound translates into your vocation. 
This is your gift to you and the world.

Much like the Hero/ines journey, the Gene Keys invite us to face our inner dragons, not as adversaries, but as wise mentors. By accepting our shadows, we unearth the hidden treasures within ourselves, transmuting our core wounds into our greatest gifts.

Ready to explore the cave? 

Are you ready to embark on this transformative odyssey?

Allow the Gene Keys transmission to be your compass, guiding you through the caverns of self-discovery, illuminating the path toward your true essence. 

Click the button below and initiate this sacred voyage of self-realisation.



Hardtfeld on "Blissipline"

What is blissipline?

Blissipline is a term that has been coined to describe the practice of combining discipline and bliss in order to achieve a state of flow or optimal performance. Discipline and bliss may seem like two opposite concepts, but in reality, they can complement each other in a powerful way. 

The word “discipline” is derived from the Latin word “disciplina,” which means “instruction” or “teaching.” This word is closely related to the word “disciple,” which also comes from the Latin word “discipulus,” meaning “student” or “follower.” The connection between these two words is rooted in the idea that discipline involves the rigorous training and instruction of individuals, much like the way a teacher would train and instruct their students.

The combination of discipline and bliss involves cultivating a sense of discipline in one’s daily life, while also cultivating a sense of joy and gratitude in every moment.

Hardtfeld on "Blissipline"

To practice blissipline, one must first identify goals and priorities, and then commit to a daily routine that supports those goals. This may involve setting aside time for meditation, exercise, or other activities that promote physical and mental health. And if you have got stuff to do, things on your to-do list –  may it be personal or in your business – structure and focus. Accomplishments definetely add to the feeling of bliss.

For me, this means taking time each day for those things – they help me stay focused and energized, while also bringing me a lot of joy and satisfaction. In addition to discipline, the practice of “blissipline” also involves cultivating a sense of gratitude and joy in every moment.

This can be achieved by focusing on the present moment, finding pleasure in small things, and developing a sense of appreciation for one’s life and surroundings. Whether I’m stuck in traffic or dealing with a difficult situation at work, I try to find the silver lining and appreciate the good things in my life.

Ask yourself: What is good about being stuck in traffic?
Hint: It gives you the gift of a moment to pause. To breathe deeply. to connect to your gratitude.

Blissipline is not just about achieving personal goals or success, but also about finding happiness and fulfillment in the journey.

It involves letting go of stress and negativity, and embracing a positive and joyful outlook on life. It’s not always easy, of course. There are days when I struggle to find joy in the little things, or when I get frustrated with myself for not sticking to my routine. But that’s okay. The point of blissipline isn’t to be perfect; it’s to find a balance that works for you.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your personal life or business, I encourage you to give blissipline a try. Find a routine that works for you, and make sure to include activities that bring you joy and happiness. And remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about finding joy in the journey and achieving a state of flow that can lead to greater success and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Ps. It’s unclear who exactly coined the term “Blissipline.” It seems to have emerged from the personal development and self-help community as a way to describe the practice of combining discipline and bliss to achieve a state of heightened awareness and happiness. However, the origins and specific creator of the term are not well-documented. I remember Vishan Lakhiani from Mindvalley using it and also Hedviggen in 2013.


Hardtfeld on channeling and mediumship - attuning to receive.

Channeling and mediumship – attuning to receive higher communication and insights.

What is Channelling &  what is Mediumship?

Some call it intuition or gut feeling – you might have experienced it when in “the flow” creating.

I remember the first time I consciously realised – while writing lyrics for a song – how I felt deeply connected to something outside of me: The words were flowing effortlessly: I would just write and write. Then I would finetune the wording a little bit – and there it was: A complete song, or story – or later in my carrer life – a business outline.

I realized that I was “connected” in moments of unforced creation.
The ingredients were to be in love with what I was doing and to allow inspiration to come in without limiting thoughts or expectations of the outcome.

Years later, when my work also included personal and brand consulting – I almost had nothing to prepare when meeting with clients or mentees. When I felt safe and appreciated, when I intrinsically knew I had nothing to prove – the words and wisdom would flow right in – leaving everyone involved with goosebumps, utter joy and a raised level of energy.

I then learned that when you have goosebumps and the hairs on your skin are standing up, it is referred to as “having chills” or experiencing “hair standing on end.” This physiological reaction is known as piloerection. It can occur in response to various stimuli, including strong emotions like fear, excitement, or the sense of awe, (as well as in response to cold temperatures, haha).

I love to see it as antennas for connecting with the divine forces of creation – an affirmation of being on the right track, if you will.  

Consider this: Your brain is freed of the egoic construct and turns into a “radio” tuned in to the right frequency to translate energy – like a collaboration with higher spirits.

When I do card readings, it is most evident: There is a profound wisdom in the interpretations – that surely does not come from me. Afterward, I often do not even recall what I have said, but the receiver of the message is moved and presented with a practical solution for the question they sought an answer to.


Some famous channelers in history :

Jane Roberts, Seth
An American author and medium who channeled an entity named Seth. Her channeling sessions produced a series of influential books known as the Seth Material, which gained widespread recognition.

Dion Fortune
A British occultist, Fortune claimed to channel messages from spiritual beings and wrote extensively on topics related to esotericism and mysticism.

Alice Baily
An influential writer and theosophist, Bailey claimed to receive teachings from a spiritual entity known as Djwhal Khul through a form of automatic writing

Aleister Crowley
While controversial, Crowley claimed to have received messages from a being named Aiwass, which formed the basis of his spiritual philosophy known as Thelema.

Andrew Jackson Davis
Often called the “Poughkeepsie Seer,” Davis was a 19th-century American trance medium who delivered lectures and writings while in a trance state.

Here’s a brief overview of each:

Channeling involves allowing an external entity, often considered to be of a higher spiritual consciousness, to communicate through an individual.

The channeler typically enters a meditative or altered state of consciousness. In this state, they may receive messages, information, or guidance from the entity they are channeling.

Channeling is applied to gain spiritual insights, receive guidance, and access higher knowledge. Some channelers claim to connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, or extraterrestrial beings.

Channeling and mediumship are both practices associated with communicating with entities or energies beyond the physical realm.

Contemporary channelers:

Esther Hicks –  Abraham // Daryl Anka – Bashar

Lee Harris – The “Z’s” // Paul Selig – The Guides

Mediumship is the practice of connecting with and communicating with spirits of the deceased. Mediums act as intermediaries between the living and the spirit world. 

Mediums actually channel aswell from non-corporeal entities with the focus on showing the continuity of consciosness – serving as evidence that death is only for the physical body. Mediumship provides comfort for those still in the physical body, offering solace and closure to individuals who have lost loved ones. 

Mediums and channelers alike apply various techniques to receive messages and impressions, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or trance states, to establish a connection with spirits. 

Some well-known mediums in history include:

 Edgar Cayce 
Often referred to as “the sleeping Prophet,” Cayce was a renowned American psychic and clairvoyant who provided numerous readings on various subjects, including health, past lives, and spirituality.

Eileen J. Garrett
An Irish medium, Garrett was the founder of the Parapsychology Foundation. She was known for her work in trance mediumship and her contributions to the field of parapsychology.

Gordon Higginson
A prominent British medium, Higginson served as the President of the Spiritualists’ National Union. He was widely respected for his evidential mediumship.

Estelle Roberts
Another notable British medium,  Estelle Roberts was known for her platform mediumship and was a well-respected figure in the Spiritualist movement.

D. D. Home (Daniel Dunglas Home)
A Scottish-American medium known for his physical mediumship phenomena, including levitation and materializations.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Although primarily known as a co-founder of Theosophy, Blavatsky was also a medium and claimed to receive teachings from various ascended masters.

Arthur Ford 
An American psychic medium, Ford was known for his trance channeling and for claiming to communicate with deceased individuals, including the famous magician Harry Houdini.

These mediums played significant roles in the history of mediumship and spiritualism, and their contributions continue to be studied and discussed in the field of psychic phenomena.

Contemporary well known Mediums

Laura Lynne Jackson // Suzanne Geismann // Birgit Fischer
John Edward // James Van Praagh

Ethical mediumship emphasizes the importance of offering messages from the deceased with compassion, sensitivity, and responsibility. It’s crucial for mediums to approach their work with integrity.

Both channeling and mediumship are deeply spiritual practices and can offer comfort, guidance, and insights to those who seek them. The benefits are:

– From my experience, channeling can serve as a wellspring of creative inspiration, unlocking new ideas, perspectives, and solutions that may not have been accessible through conventional thinking.

– Spiritual Growth and Understanding:
Channeling and mediumship can provide deeper insights into spiritual realms, helping you to connect with higher consciousness and gain a broader understanding of existence beyond the physical world.

– Through channeling, you may tap into your innate wisdom, accessing guidance that empowers you to make informed decisions and navigate life’s challenges more confidently. 

Engaging in mediumship or channeling can facilitate emotional healing by allowing individuals to communicate with departed loved ones or to receive guidance from higher beings, leading to a sense of emotional release and catharsis.

These practices can broaden one’s perspective on reality, challenging conventional beliefs and opening the mind to new possibilities and dimensions of existence. What I find intriguing is how most of the channelers and mediums with general “downloads ” seem to convey the same messages and insight. 

Mind you, it’s essential when engaging in these practices to do so with respect, discernment, and a commitment to ethical conduct. I especially would like to emphasize the need for balance, as always: 

Engaging in highly spiritual practices is all very well and fine – as long as you also seek grounding techniques to not only branch out into higher realms but also seek to expand the roots into our earthly existence. What I find intriguing is how most of the channelers and mediums with general “downloads ” seem to convey the same messages and insight. 

This is what we here for – to evolve in both directions: Mastering being human and integrating spirit.

If you are interested in channelling / or mediumship – these are the first steps:

  • Cleanse your body – detox from anything that
    clogs your system
  • Apply realaxation techniques 
  • Deepen your meditation practice to attune with higher frequencies 
  • Hemisync your brain – learn about heart/ brain coherence
  • Get in to the habit of automatic writing
  • Read the channeld masters that came before you
  • Set an intention as to why and what information // insight you wish to receive
  • Commitment to the regular practice of channeling and mediumship can heighten your intuitive abilities and sensitivity to subtle energies, enhancing your overall awareness and perceptiveness.


From journaling to automatic writing

The healing power of the written word:

I have been an avid writer ever since I was able to hold a pen:

“Dear Diary”
– as a child I would make the silent little book with empty lines my secret friend, the only one I could and would confess all my troubles and fantasies to – and no judgement what so ever would be the echo. Unless someone found it – so I made sure to hide it well.  

Later, on my travels around the world I jotted down the experiences and situations I encountered. Here I also noted Lyrics and song fragments that would have otherwise gotten lost. (This was pre mobile phone and the diversity of apps, mind you)

My diary was my go to choice when I needed to gain clarity on my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Journaling as a daily habit – something that is now commonly known as “morning pages”, gifted me often with gems of insights that clearly were not coming from my often troubled mind, but from some more evolved and far wiser aspect. On researching this phenomenon, I came across the concept of  “automatic writing”.

Automatic writing is a practice in which a person allows their subconscious mind or a spiritual guide to take control of their hand or fingers, enabling them to write without conscious thought or intention. This process is often used as a tool for self-discovery, creative expression, or spiritual communication.

This way of allowing the pen form words and sentences,  bypasses the filters and limitations of conscious thought.

The subconscious mind expresses itself freely, which really helps when you find yourself in a feedback loop of constant overthinking. It helps to access and process deeply buried emotions or experiences.

The practice of automatic writing has a long history and has been applied by various cultures and spiritual traditions for centuries. It gained popularity during the Spiritualist movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The concept of receiving messages or insights through a form of trance-induced writing has appeared in different cultures and spiritual traditions for centuries.

In the modern context, automatic writing gained prominence during the Spiritualist movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries. This movement, which emerged primarily in the United States and Europe, focused on communicating with spirits and exploring the afterlife. Practitioners of Spiritualism often used automatic writing as a means to receive messages from the spirit world.

Prominent figures associated with the early practice of automatic writing include:

  • Helena Blavatsky: The co-founder of Theosophy, a spiritual movement, mentioned automatic writing as one of the methods used to receive esoteric knowledge.
  • Stainton Moses: A British clergyman and medium who claimed to receive spiritual messages through automatic writing.
  • Pearl Curran: An American medium who claimed to channel a spirit named Patience Worth through automatic writing. Curran’s case gained attention in the early 20th century.
  • Alice Bailey: An influential writer and theosophist, Bailey claimed to receive teachings from a spiritual entity known as Djwhal Khul through a form of automatic writing.

While these individuals contributed to the popularization of automatic writing, the practice itself has ancient roots and has been used by various cultures around the world for centuries. .

Automatic writing should be approached with an open mind, but also with discernment. It’s important to critically evaluate the content that emerges. It is not about predicting the future or receiving specific, concrete answers. It’s more about exploring inner thoughts and emotions.

Automatic writing as a means of spiritual communication:

Some practitioners believe that automatic writing can be a means of communicating with spirits, guides, or higher consciousness entities. Practitioners often enter a meditative or trance-like state to facilitate the process, which can help them relax and allow the flow of thoughts without conscious interference. For some this is the first step to mediumship and channeling.

Read more on channeling and mediumship below.


HArdtfeld _ the subconscious mind

95 / 5

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Understanding the 95 to 5 Concept

Have you ever wondered why you can not seem to shake a bad habit, or why you keep repeating the same patterns of a behavior despite your best efforts to change? The answer may lie in your subconscious mind.

According to the “95 to 5” subconscious idea, 95% of our thoughts, behaviors, and actions are determined by our subconscious mind, while only 5% are controlled by our conscious mind. Say what?

While our conscious mind is responsible for logical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving, our subconscious mind is like the storehouse of all our experiences, beliefs, emotions, and memories. It is part of our mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness, influencing our thoughts and behaviors without us even realizing it.

What is the 95 to 5 Concept?

The 95 to 5 Idea implies that our conscious mind has little control over our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We may think we are in control, but in reality, our subconscious mind is the one calling the shots. 


This revelation can be both: empowering and disempowering, depending on how you look at it.

On the one hand, it means that we have the power to change our lives by reprogramming our subconscious mind. If we can change the beliefs, emotions, and memories stored in our subconscious, we can change the way we think, feel, and behave.

On the other hand, it also means that we may be sabotaging ourselves without even realizing it:

If our subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our thoughts, behaviors, and actions – we may be holding ourselves back with limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and other subconscious patterns that we’re not even aware of. Arrgh!

This can make personal growth and self-improvement challenging and sometimes frustrating, as we struggle to overcome deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind in Shaping Behavior

Neuroscience suggests that the subconscious mind is a complex and dynamic system intimately connected to cognitive and emotional processing. It plays a key role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

The subconscious mind is not located in a specific region of the brain, but rather refers to mental processes that occur outside of conscious awareness. 

The brain is capable of processing vast amounts of information without conscious attention! Just think of your every day – how you brush your teeth in the morning while thinking about your dinner at night and whatnot – all on autopilot. 

Neuroscientists have identified several brain regions involved in subconscious processes, including the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and other areas involved in memory, emotion, and perception. 

Let’s have a look at the amazing operating machine reigning in our heads:

The Triune Brain: Understanding Its Three Parts

(coined by the American physician and neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean in the 1960s)

The neocortex is the outer layer of the brain involved in a variety of higher-order functions such as sensory perception, cognition, and consciousness. 

The prefrontal cortex, on the other hand, is a specific region within the neocortex responsible for executive functions such as planning, decision-making, working memory, and personality expression.

In other words, the prefrontal cortex is a subregion of the neocortex that is specialized for certain functions, whereas the neocortex as a whole is involved in a broader range of cognitive processes.

The mammalian brain, also known as the limbic brain or emotional brain, evolved in early mammals. It can store memories of actions that produced either positive or negative experiences, making it responsible for generating human emotions. The limbic system, a part of the mammalian brain, is also responsible for value judgments that can greatly impact our behavior, often without conscious awareness.

The reptilian brain – or Primal Brain (Basal Ganglia) – is the oldest of the three parts, and controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and balance. Our reptilian brain includes the main structures found in a reptile’s brain: the brainstem and the cerebellum. It is in charge to protect us. It is where our fight, flight, or freeze responses are triggered – and which keeps us hostage by telling us it is safe in our comfort zone, holding us back to take steps into the unknown, even if that is what we actually want to improve our lives. 

“An enormous portion of cognitive activity is non-conscious, figuratively speaking, it could be 95 percent; we probably will never know precisely how much is outside awareness.”

-Emanual Donchin, a psychologist from the University of Illinois

Bob Proctor’s Approach to Subconscious Reprogramming

Bob Proctor (July 5th, 1934 – February 3rd, 2022) was a well-known speaker and author in the field of personal development who has spoken extensively about the power of the subconscious mind. He is often quoted in discussions about the “95 to 5” subconscious idea and has shared his thoughts on how we can become more aware of and intentional with our subconscious programming.

According to him, our subconscious programming is the result of years of conditioning, which can be difficult to change without conscious effort. He suggests that in order to change our subconscious programming, we need to first become aware of our limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.

Bob Proctor encouraged us to take action toward our goals, even if we do not feel completely ready or confident. 

 He suggested that by taking small steps towards our goals and acting as if we have already achieved them, we can start to reprogram our subconscious mind to support our success.

Bob Proctor’s message is one of empowerment and taking control of our own lives. By becoming more aware of and intentional with our subconscious programming, we can start to create the life we truly want to live.

Becoming more aware of our subconscious patterns and working to change them can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. By developing greater mindfulness and introspection, we can begin to identify and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors to create a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


There are several steps you can take. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

One technique Bob Proctor recommended for becoming more aware of our subconscious programming is to keep a journal of our thoughts and emotions. By writing down our thoughts and feelings, we can start to identify patterns and beliefs that may be holding us back.  

read more on journaling / automTIC WRITING HERE

Other tools and techniques that can be used to work directly with the subconscious mind:

  • NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
    World leaders like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffett are proponents of NLP because it is said to work through “Anchoring” and “Pattern Interrupt”.
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques):
    EFT is a form of energy psychology that involves tapping specific points on the body while focusing on negative emotions or limiting beliefs. It can help to release emotional blockages and reprogram the subconscious mind with more positive beliefs and attitudes.
  • Hypnotherapy:
    Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and help people make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It can be used to address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, addiction, and phobias.
  • Visualization:
    Visualization involves creating mental images of desired outcomes or goals. By visualizing positive outcomes, and reinforcing them with positive emotions, it is possible to reprogram the subconscious mind to support these outcomes.
  • Affirmations:
    Affirmations are positive statements repeated frequently to reprogram the subconscious mind with positive beliefs and attitudes. For example, repeating the affirmation “I am confident and capable” can help to overcome feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Bob Proctor also stressed the importance of positive affirmations in reprogramming our subconscious mind. By repeating positive affirmations regularly, we can begin to replace negative beliefs with more positive ones.
  • Meditation:
    Meditation is a practice that involves quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity and focus, and increase self-awareness.
  • Breathwork:
    From my own experience breathwork and meditation were the two strongest components of unveiling parts of the subconscious: Read more on BREATHWORK here.

Check out these books
on the subject of working with the subconscious mind:

  • “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy:
    This classic book explores the role of the subconscious mind in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. It provides practical techniques for reprogramming the subconscious mind to achieve success and happiness.
  • “Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior” by Leonard Mlodinow:
    This book delves into the science of the subconscious mind, examining how it shapes our perceptions, decisions, and actions, and provides insights into how we can harness its power to achieve our goals.
  • “You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter ” by Dr. Joe Dispenza: This book explores the connection between the mind and the body. He provides techniques for using the power of the mind to heal the body and achieve personal transformation.
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza:
    Here Joe Dispenza combines science and spirituality to explain how to break free from negative habits and create positive changes by reprogramming the subconscious mind.
  • “The Genie Within Your Subconscious Mind”
    by Harry W. Carpenter:
    This book provides a practical guide to understanding and working with the subconscious mind, including techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and creating positive change.
  • “The New Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz:
    This updated version of the classic self-help book explores the role of the subconscious mind in achieving success. It provides practical tools and techniques for reprogramming the mind to achieve personal and professional goals.
  • “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce H. Lipton:
    Lipton, a cellular biologist, explores the connection between beliefs, the mind, and the body. He explains how changing our beliefs can impact our biology and overall well-being.

  • “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”
    by Mark Manson:
    While not solely focused on the subconscious mind, this book offers a refreshing perspective on values and priorities, encouraging readers to choose where to invest their mental and emotional energy.
    I enjoy the title a lot 🙂


Hardtfeld - maintaining the state of Awe

What is the state of awe?

First off – what is “AWE”?

Awe is an intense emotion typically elicited by something vast, powerful, or transcendent. People often experience awe in response to natural wonders, such as a stunning sunset or a majestic mountain range, or when witnessing incredible feats of human achievement, such as a world record-breaking athletic performance.

Research has shown that experiencing awe has positive effects on physical and mental health. For example, individuals who experience “awe” tend to feel more connected to others, have a greater sense of purpose, and experience less stress and anxiety.

The state of awe is an experience of life through the lens of love and a feeling of deep connection.

The link between awe and spirituality is a fascinating aspect. 

Several psychologists, such as Dacher Keltner, Jonathan Haidt, Paul Piff, Michelangelo Vianello, and Jennifer Stellar, have explored the connection between awe and spirituality or a perception of something greater than oneself.

Exploring awe and peak performance, “Stealing Fire” the book by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal takes us on a journey into altered states of consciousness. This journey involves practices – such as meditation and mindfulness, unlocking the potential for heightened creativity, productivity, and well-being.

“Mindfulness practices can contribute to experiences of awe and spiritual well-being.”

Awe can also be attained by more secular experiences, such as being completely absorbed in viewing a stunning piece of art or listening to a powerful piece of music. It is really about the feeling when something touches your heart in such a way that you burst with a sense of unconditional love.

In the quest to explore awe in the modern era, I came across the perspective of Jason Silva – a modern-day performance philosopher and self-described wonder-junkie:

hardtfeld - maintaining the state of awe with Jason Silva

Silva uses broadcasting, online media, and lecture halls to share his contagious zest for awe-inspiring phenomena. Described as the “Timothy Leary of the Viral Video Age,” he infects people with optimism, emphasizing the importance of embracing creativity and the “flow” state.

He writes and produces short films and was also the Emmy-nominated host of National Geographic’s hit TV series “Brain Games,” airing in over 100 countries during seasons 2-8.

Jason is active on Instagram and Youtube.

How to bridge the gap from flow state to the state of awe? 

My experience of “flow” is more like being 100% absorbed in what you do:

Time flies – you feel you are on the right track – and any pursuit –  like writing or composing for example, happens like a “download”. 

Awe is more the expression of childlike wonder and love:

To enter and maintain the personal state of awe involves exercising self-love. This practice entails stripping away outer mind conditioning, comparison, and competition. Retreating into complete and utter silence and solitude is needed to get a “feel and a hear” for what might seem a feeble voice: 

Hardtfeld - maintaining the state of Awe

Always returning to the very source:

Your heart. Your breath.

This genius teamwork in coherence works like an amplifier for all the giant wonders and magical goings-on inside your body.

The synergy between heart and breath is a powerful conductor, orchestrating the rhythm of your existence. It’s not just a physical collaboration; it’s a harmonious partnership that extends to the core of your being.

This concept aligns with heart brain coherence – further exploring the relationship between the heart’s activity and brain function. Techniques such as intentional breathing and yes, again: mindfulness practices contribute to achieving this harmonious state, fostering physiological balance and influencing mental and emotional well-being. To me it is like we are being the perfect musical instrument: playing the souls melody – resonating in accordance within the divine symphony of the universal mind. Like every instrument it needs good care and tuning.

Turn inside anytime to enter!

In the realm of awe, the conscious return to your heart and breath becomes a deliberate act of tuning into this symphony. 

To deepen your understanding of this harmonious interplay, explore your hologenetic Gene Keys profile – a unique transmission that encapsulates the essence of your genetic makeup and potential. Enhance the coherence between your heart and brain:


Find out more about the gene keys here

The work with the Gene Keys invites you to reconnect with the foundational elements of your existence and embark on a journey toward a STATE OF AWE
transcending the physical and touching the realms of interconnected wonder.

If you would like me to help you discover this amazing space
– You can book my service as a GK Guide here.

Remembering who you are and what you are here for – 
is the soil for your state of awe.


Hardtfeld: Do you know your potential?

Do you know your potential?

The Power of Potential:
Your story and consistency.

Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it is the collective perception that exists in the minds of your audience. Brand development is the intentional process of shaping and molding that potential, a journey that requires introspection, strategy, and a keen understanding of the ever-evolving market.

Crafting Your Narrative. 

To embark on the journey of brand development, one must first answer a fundamental question: What is the story you want to tell? Your narrative should go beyond the features of your products or services; it should encapsulate the values, mission, and vision that set your brand apart.

Connecting Emotionally
with Your Audience:
What’s your story?

In the realm of brand development, emotional connection is the secret ingredient that transforms customers into loyal advocates. Beyond the functional benefits of your products or services, consumers are drawn to brands that evoke emotions and resonate with their aspirations.

Think about brands that have left a lasting impact on you. 

Chances are – not just the product itself but the emotions and values associated with the brand that have left an indelible mark. Brand development is about creating a space in the hearts and minds of your audience, fostering a connection that transcends transactional relationships.

Consider some of the most iconic brands of our time. They are not merely providers of products or services – but storytellers weaving narratives that resonate with their audience. Brand development is about crafting a compelling story that captures the essence of your business and engages your customers on a deeper level.

Your why makes you relatable and creates a connection buildt on trust. – just like consistency:

Consistency is Key!

A brand is not buildt overnight; it is a gradual process that requires consistency across all touchpoints. 

From your logo and website to your social media presence and customer interactions – every element should align with and reinforce your brand narrative – especially as a spiritual entrepreneur.

Consistency builds trust.

When customers encounter a cohesive and uniform brand experience at every interaction, it solidifies their perception and fosters a sense of reliability. 


This consistency creates a brand identity that is not easily forgotten and distinguishes you from the competition.

Adaptability in a Dynamic Environment.

While consistency is crucial, so is adaptability. The business landscape is dynamic, and brands that thrive are those capable of evolving with the times. Your brand narrative should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market, consumer preferences, and societal trends.

Tech giants that started as niche players but adapted their brand narratives to become industry leaders. They recognized the need to evolve, embracing new technologies and responding to shifting consumer behaviors. Brand development is not a one-time project – it is an ongoing process that demands vigilance and adaptability.


Hardtfeld: Do you know your potential?

Conclusion: Unleashing the Potential Within:

In the dynamic tapestry of business, brand development is the artist’s brushstroke that brings vibrancy and depth to the canvas. It is the intentional act of discovering and nurturing the potential within your brand, a journey that demands creativity, consistency, and a deep understanding of your audience.

So, do you know your potential? 

It’s not just about what your brand is today but what it can become. Through strategic brand development, you have the power to shape perceptions, build trust, and create a legacy that transcends industry norms. Embrace the journey, unlock your brand’s potential, and watch as it becomes a powerful force in the ever-evolving marketplace.

Are you ready to envision and build
where your potential can lead your brand? 

Together we strategize a journey that aligns with your values
for a brand that is sustainable and leads to prosperity.

The Power of Potential:
Your story and consistency.

Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it is the collective perception that exists in the minds of your audience. Brand development is the intentional process of shaping and molding that potential, a journey that requires introspection, strategy, and a keen understanding of the ever-evolving market.

Crafting Your Narrative. 

To embark on the journey of brand development, one must first answer a fundamental question: What is the story you want to tell? Your narrative should go beyond the features of your products or services; it should encapsulate the values, mission, and vision that set your brand apart.

Connecting Emotionally
with Your Audience:

What’s your story?

In the realm of brand development, emotional connection is the secret ingredient that transforms customers into loyal advocates. Beyond the functional benefits of your products or services, consumers are drawn to brands that evoke emotions and resonate with their aspirations.

Think about brands that have left a lasting impact on you:

Chances are – not just the product itself but the emotions and values associated with the brand that have left an indelible mark. Brand development is about creating a space in the hearts and minds of your audience, fostering a connection that transcends transactional relationships.

Consider some of the most iconic brands of our time. They are not merely providers of products or services – but storytellers weaving narratives that resonate with their audience. Brand development is about crafting a compelling story that captures the essence of your business and engages your customers on a deeper level.

Your why makes you relatable and creates a connection buildt on trust. – just like consistency:

Consistency is Key!

A brand is not buildt overnight; it is a gradual process that requires consistency across all touchpoints. 

From your logo and website to your social media presence and customer interactions – every element should align with and reinforce your brand narrative – especially as a spiritual entrepreneur.


Consistency builds trust.

When customers encounter a cohesive and uniform brand experience at every interaction, it solidifies their perception and fosters a sense of reliability. This consistency creates a brand identity that is not easily forgotten and distinguishes you from the competition.

Adaptability in a Dynamic Environment.

While consistency is crucial, so is adaptability. The business landscape is dynamic, and brands that thrive are those capable of evolving with the times. Your brand narrative should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market, consumer preferences, and societal trends.

Tech giants that started as niche players but adapted their brand narratives to become industry leaders. They recognized the need to evolve, embracing new technologies and responding to shifting consumer behaviors. Brand development is not a one-time project – it is an ongoing process that demands vigilance and adaptability.


Hardtfeld: Do you know your potential?

Conclusion: Unleashing the Potential Within:

In the dynamic tapestry of business, brand development is the artist’s brushstroke that brings vibrancy and depth to the canvas. It is the intentional act of discovering and nurturing the potential within your brand, a journey that demands creativity, consistency, and a deep understanding of your audience.

So, do you know your potential? 

It’s not just about what your brand is today but what it can become. Through strategic brand development, you have the power to shape perceptions, build trust, and create a legacy that transcends industry norms. Embrace the journey, unlock your brand’s potential, and watch as it becomes a powerful force in the ever-evolving marketplace.

Are you ready to envision
and build
where your potential
canlead your brand? 

Together we strategize a journey
that aligns with your values
for a brand that is sustainable
and leads to prosperity.