Empathic Multi-Potentialite, Scanner, or even Polymath?

“What are Empaths, HSPs, Scanner Personalities, or Polymaths – and how may they relate to ADHD?”

Let’s explore various personality types, beginning with Empaths, Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), Scanner Personalities, Multipods, and Polymaths. These personalities exhibit unique characteristics and traits, with some overlapping traits associated with ADHD symptoms.

The general description of Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths refers to humans with diverse interests and talents. With a natural inclination to explore and learn about various subjects, they represent a unique segment of the population with distinct characteristics and traits. These traits may sometimes overlap with symptoms associated with diagnosed ADHD, sparking my growing interest in understanding the correlations between them. As a Scanner/Multipotentialite myself, I’ve found that this overlap not only highlights the richness of our experiences, but also sheds light on the challenges we face. These insights can help us navigate both the opportunities and hurdles that come with our unique way of engaging with the world.


Difference and similarity:

  • Difference:

Empaths possess a heightened ability to sense and absorb emotions and energies, while Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) experience heightened sensitivity to external stimuli like noise, light, and emotions.

  • Similarity:

Both Empaths and HSPs may encounter symptoms that overlap with ADHD, including distractibility and difficulty with attention regulation.

Too much pressure!

According to Barbara Sher, author and coach who coined the term “Scanner Personality,” these characteristics should not be confused with diagnosed (or undiagnosed!) ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). With ADHD, concentrating on a single thing can be challenging, whereas this is not the case for a Scanner. Sher states that Scanner-type personalities find it difficult to focus on one single occupation, hobby, or career long-term.
“A person with scanner modalities has no issues with deep diving into a subject of interest: But – not forever!”
Barbara Sher’s book “Refuse to Choose” is an interesting read with many ‘Aha’ moments: “A typical behavior for a Scanner is to start something new, immerse themselves in all there is to know about it, and once they have absorbed and internalized it all, it is time for a new endeavor. A Scanner gets bored quite easily, especially with rigid and unchanging routines. The Scanner needs new challenges.
  • Scanner Personalities:

Scanner Personalities encompass people with a diverse array of interests and talents, who relish exploring various subjects and pursuits. They thrive on continual learning and may find it challenging to commit to a single career or life path.

However, I find the term “Scanner” to be somewhat technical and invasive. Emily Wapnick, a writer, artist, and Career Coach, has popularized the term “Multipods” through her TED Talk titled “Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling” from 2015. According to Wapnick, “Scanner Personalities” are essentially “Multipotentialites“:

“Multipotentiality is commonly a concern among individuals with moderately high IQs, who possess academic talent, and excel in two or more vastly different abilities, such as violin virtuosity and mathematics precocity.”

If you resonate with this description, you may find her book, “How to be Everything,” to be an insightful read.

Perhaps you can somewhat relate?

You have a keen interest in – let’s say – A LOT! You are skilled at a gazillion things, and there is this one sentence you, just like me, keep hearing over and over again: “You should concentrate on one thing!” or “Finish one thing first!” or “You are a Jack of all trades – and will be a master of none!”

Let’s discuss this!

What if your purpose isn’t to follow a predictable, monotonous path in life?
Routine feels like a killer: Multipotentialites and Polymaths are usually deep divers into various widespread topics that catch their attention, like Quantum physics, gardening, nootropics, or web technology – you name it! I heard a descriptive observation:

“Multipods would like to do everything at once – or do everything at least once.”

I agree, though: Certainly NOT EVERYTHING! 🙂
People are commonly either in awe for all the knowledge Multipotentialites possess – or are bewildered because they cannot relate and find a person with scanner modalities scattered or superficial – but the exact opposite is often the case:
Scanner personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths have a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, leading them to explore multiple fields, hobbies, and passions. They are not content with pursuing a single career or area of expertise but find fulfillment in new interests and skills. These individuals thrive in continuous learning.

The main difference lies in the depth of knowledge and expertise:

Multipotentialites have a wide range of interests and may acquire a general understanding of various subjects without inevitably becoming masters.
While they share a natural inclination with Polymaths for diverse learning – driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Polymaths excel in diverse fields and are often highly skilled in various areas of study. They go beyond mere exploration – seeking achievement, deep understanding, and mastery in whatever they pursue. Multipods delight in exploring multiple subjects without the pressure of specialization.
More often than not, humans with multi-potentiality are very empathetic, which can be overwhelming. Working on their own – rather than in an office with a large team – is beneficial for them – since they need a lot of me-time to recharge. Remote is the antidote.

Historical Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths:

  • Leonardo da Vinci:
    One of the most famous polymaths in history, da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, mathematician,engineer, inventor, anatomist, and writer. He is renowned for his contributions to art, including masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, as well as his groundbreaking scientific and engineering designs.
  • Marie Curie:
    A pioneering scientist and one of the most prominent female polymaths, she was a physicist and chemist. Marie Curie made groundbreaking discoveries regarding radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
  • Nikola Tesla
    A brilliant inventor and engineer, Tesla was known for his contributions and the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems, wireless communication, and numerous other inventions and innovations
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson:
    An astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator, Tyson has expertise in multiple scientific disciplines and is known for his ability to communicate complex ideas to the public.
  • Buckminster Fuller:
    A visionary designer, architect, author, philosopher, inventor, and futurist, he developed significant contributions like the geodesic dome to sustainable architecture and global problem-solving.

Fuller inspired dome, AI generated @hardtfeld

Contemporary Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths:

Hardtfeld - pencil sketch of Pyramids.

pencil sketch @hardtfeld

  • A modern-day Polymath I admire is Robert Edward Grand
    an exceptional scientist and spiritual seeker and finder. Please go ahead and visit his site – it is beyond mind-blowing how he fuses science and art with spirituality.
  • Elon Musk:
    – controversial entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, and visionary. He co-founded and leads several companies, including SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, focussing on space exploration, electric vehicles, and renewable energy.
  • Temple Grandin:
    A professor of animal science at Colorado State University, Grandin is also an author and advocate for autism and animal welfare, combining her expertise in animal behavior and autism advocacy.
  • Angela Duckworth:
    A psychologist and author known for her research on grit, perseverance, and success. Duckworth’s work spans psychology, education, and behavioral economics.
  • Michio Kaku:
    A theoretical physicist, futurist, and popularizer of science, Kaku explores concepts like string theory, parallel universes, and the future of humanity. His ability to communicate complex scientific ideas to the public has made him a prominent figure in the scientific community.

Summing up the benefits and pitfalls
of being a Scanner Personality, Multipotentialite, or Polymath:


Despite the challenges, people with traits associated with Scanner Personalities, Multipotentialites, or Polymaths also enjoy numerous benefits:

  • Versatility and Adaptability:

One of their key strengths is versatility and adaptability. Instead of feeling confined to a single path, they embrace diverse interests, contributing unique perspectives and skills to various fields. This flexibility allows them to excel in different domains and make significant contributions to society.

  • Broad Range of Interests and Talents:

They possess a diverse skill set and knowledge base, enabling them to excel in various fields and pursuits. Their wide range of interests allows them to explore new passions and acquire different skills, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Personal Fulfillment and Sense of Purpose:

Exploring diverse passions and pursuing multiple interests brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to their lives. They find joy in learning new things and are motivated by the excitement of discovery. This sense of purpose drives them to pursue their interests with enthusiasm and dedication.

  • Innovative Thinking and Creative Solutions:

Their ability to draw connections between disciplines and ideas often leads to innovative solutions and creative breakthroughs. They thrive in interdisciplinary collaborations, offering unique perspectives and insights.


Empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities may encounter various challenges and misconceptions:

  • Being a Jack of all trades

While versatility is a strength, the notion of being a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ can also present challenges. This term implies that individuals may have a basic level of skill or knowledge in various areas but may not excel or specialize in any particular field. As a result, they may struggle to establish themselves as experts or find fulfillment in traditional career paths that value specialization.

  • Indecisiveness and lack of focus:

Due to the tendency to explore multiple interests and passions, they have a reputation for being indecisive or lacking focus, especially in traditional career paths that value specialization.

  • Procrastination and perfectionism:

Fear of rejection and perfectionism can hinder individuals with these traits from fully realizing their potential. Heightened sensitivity to criticism and failure may lead to procrastination and obsessive attention to detail, making it difficult to execute ideas and complete projects. Over time, this may result in social and financial difficulties.

  • Overwhelm and sensory overload:

Heightened sensitivity to external stimuli can lead to feelings of overwhelm and sensory overload, particularly in noisy or chaotic environments. Empaths, HSPs, and scanner personalities may struggle to filter out irrelevant information, leading to exhaustion and anxiety.

  • Difficulty focusing and maintaining attention:

The constant influx of stimuli can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks. Empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities may encounter hurdles to maintain focus amidst distractions, leading to difficulties completing projects or following through on commitments – these are symptoms often related to the Reticular Activating System (RAS):

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) plays a crucial role in filtering sensory information and regulating arousal levels in the brain. An overactive or hypersensitive RAS can contribute to the symptoms experienced by empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities. This hypersensitivity may result in difficulty filtering irrelevant stimuli, leading to sensory overload and overwhelm in stimulating environments. Additionally, they may experience heightened emotional responses and fluctuating attention levels due to the RAS’s role in regulating arousal and alertness.

Understanding the impact of the RAS on individuals with these personality traits can shed light on their experiences with sensory overwhelm and difficulty focusing. However, delving too deeply into neurobiological concepts like the RAS might detract from the main focus of exploring personality types and their connections to ADHD. Therefore, it’s essential to integrate this information seamlessly into the broader narrative to maintain reader engagement and clarity.

 Are you a Multi-Potentialite, Scanner, or even Polymath too? 

  • Your mind is like a melting pot of inspiration for probably more ideas than one human alone can transform into reality.
  • You question authorities and hierarchies. 
  • Decision-making is not so easy a task for you. 
  • Finishing projects can be daunting and haunting: sticking to one thing longer – so it can be financially fruit-bearing – feels likely almost impossible. 
  • You are very good at learning on your terms; thus, you are very often autodidactic. 
  • You are a well of information that you share with enthusiasm – if it is still on your excitement horizon.

Fusing all this knowledge can be challenging and often causes distress when not knowing how to pursue a career – and to make a living that satisfies the heart and senses long-term.

image generated with AI ©Hardtfeld

To overcome these challenges and embrace your unique strengths, consider the following strategies:

  • Embrace versatility:

Instead of viewing your diverse interests as a weakness, embrace and accept your versatility, seeing it as a strength. Leverage your ability to draw connections between various disciplines to innovate and problem-solve effectively.

  • Practice self-compassion:

Self-compassion and recognizing that it is okay to explore multiple interests are essential. Celebrate your achievements and progress along your unique paths, even if you deviate from conventional expectations.

  • Look for diversity in learning and career paths:

– Advocate for a more inclusive approach to education and career development. 

 – Embrace your multifaceted nature and pursue diverse interests.
– Create environments that nurture and support the growth of your scanner personality or multipotentiality, fostering innovation, creativity, and personal fulfillment.
– Harness your unique talents and perspectives of diverse interests, leading to a more vibrant and dynamic society.

  • Set clear goals: 

Setting clear goals and priorities helps us to stay focused, avoiding overwhelm by our diverse interests. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks can also help maintain momentum and motivation.

  • Movement:

Physical exercise and gentle movement are vital to regulate bodily and nervous system feedback. Try Tai Chi and Qi Gong, Yoga, dancing, or even running – they are our medicine!


  • Morning rituals and journaling:

Some routines are life-saving! Installling a morning routine, incorporating journaling, and checking in with my down-sized to-do list helped me frame for personal and business success. 

  • Meditation and breathwork

After learning and deep diving into meditation and breathwork, I have come to the cconclusion that these two are the alpha and omega for a sane day-to-day life. 

Especially as a multipotentialite Empath with traces of ADHD – presence in the moment is a nourishing soil for inner resilience.

How about transforming all this knowledge into a tool?

It could be your greatest asset – a true gift! Discover how it can serve you while also benefiting others. Within you lies the wonders you seek externally.
As a Scanner Personality and Empath with traces of ADHD, I’ve developed an actionable “Red Thread toolbox” comprising psychological and metaphysical components. Are you interested in unlocking your magic to facilitate the discovery of structure and strategy for your personal and business life?

It is safe to be yourself!

Sending much love from Hardtfeld,
with a prominent gate of the “Jack of all trades” in her HD profile 🙂
Click the button below to schedule a 15-minute discovery call for your priorities.

Empathic Multi-Potentialite, Scanner, or even Polymath?

“What are Empaths, HSPs, Scanner Personalities, or Polymaths – and how may they relate to ADHD?”

Let’s explore various personality types, beginning with Empaths, Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), Scanner Personalities, Multipods, and Polymaths. These personalities exhibit unique characteristics and traits, with some overlapping traits associated with ADHD symptoms.

The general description of Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths refers to humans with diverse interests and talents. With a natural inclination to explore and learn about various subjects, they represent a unique segment of the population with distinct characteristics and traits. These traits may sometimes overlap with symptoms associated with diagnosed ADHD, sparking my growing interest in understanding the correlations between them. As a Scanner/Multipotentialite myself, I’ve found that this overlap not only highlights the richness of our experiences, but also sheds light on the challenges we face. These insights can help us navigate both the opportunities and hurdles that come with our unique way of engaging with the world.


Difference and similarity:

  • Difference:

Empaths possess a heightened ability to sense and absorb emotions and energies, while Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) experience heightened sensitivity to external stimuli like noise, light, and emotions.

  • Similarity:

Both Empaths and HSPs may encounter symptoms that overlap with ADHD, including distractibility and difficulty with attention regulation.

Too much pressure!

According to Barbara Sher, author and coach who coined the term “Scanner Personality,” these characteristics should not be confused with diagnosed (or undiagnosed!) ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). With ADHD, concentrating on a single thing can be challenging, whereas this is not the case for a Scanner. Sher states that Scanner-type personalities find it difficult to focus on one single occupation, hobby, or career long-term.
“A person with scanner modalities has no issues with deep diving into a subject of interest: But – not forever!”
Barbara Sher’s book “Refuse to Choose” is an interesting read with many ‘Aha’ moments: “A typical behavior for a Scanner is to start something new, immerse themselves in all there is to know about it, and once they have absorbed and internalized it all, it is time for a new endeavor. A Scanner gets bored quite easily, especially with rigid and unchanging routines. The Scanner needs new challenges.
  • Scanner Personalities:

Scanner Personalities encompass people with a diverse array of interests and talents, who relish exploring various subjects and pursuits. They thrive on continual learning and may find it challenging to commit to a single career or life path.

However, I find the term “Scanner” to be somewhat technical and invasive. Emily Wapnick, a writer, artist, and Career Coach, has popularized the term “Multipods” through her TED Talk titled “Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling” from 2015. According to Wapnick, “Scanner Personalities” are essentially “Multipotentialites“:

“Multipotentiality is commonly a concern among individuals with moderately high IQs, who possess academic talent, and excel in two or more vastly different abilities, such as violin virtuosity and mathematics precocity.”

If you resonate with this description, you may find her book, “How to be Everything,” to be an insightful read.

Perhaps you can somewhat relate?

You have a keen interest in – let’s say – A LOT! You are skilled at a gazillion things, and there is this one sentence you, just like me, keep hearing over and over again: “You should concentrate on one thing!” or “Finish one thing first!” or “You are a Jack of all trades – and will be a master of none!”

Let’s discuss this!

What if your purpose isn’t to follow a predictable, monotonous path in life?
Routine feels like a killer: Multipotentialites and Polymaths are usually deep divers into various widespread topics that catch their attention, like Quantum physics, gardening, nootropics, or web technology – you name it! I heard a descriptive observation:

“Multipods would like to do everything at once – or do everything at least once.”

I agree, though: Certainly NOT EVERYTHING! 🙂
People are commonly either in awe for all the knowledge Multipotentialites possess – or are bewildered because they cannot relate and find a person with scanner modalities scattered or superficial – but the exact opposite is often the case:
Scanner personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths have a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, leading them to explore multiple fields, hobbies, and passions. They are not content with pursuing a single career or area of expertise but find fulfillment in new interests and skills. These individuals thrive in continuous learning.

The main difference lies in the depth of knowledge and expertise:

Multipotentialites have a wide range of interests and may acquire a general understanding of various subjects without inevitably becoming masters.
While they share a natural inclination with Polymaths for diverse learning – driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Polymaths excel in diverse fields and are often highly skilled in various areas of study. They go beyond mere exploration – seeking achievement, deep understanding, and mastery in whatever they pursue. Multipods delight in exploring multiple subjects without the pressure of specialization.
More often than not, humans with multi-potentiality are very empathetic, which can be overwhelming. Working on their own – rather than in an office with a large team – is beneficial for them – since they need a lot of me-time to recharge. Remote is the antidote.

Historical Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths:

  • Leonardo da Vinci:
    One of the most famous polymaths in history, da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, mathematician,engineer, inventor, anatomist, and writer. He is renowned for his contributions to art, including masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, as well as his groundbreaking scientific and engineering designs.
  • Marie Curie:
    A pioneering scientist and one of the most prominent female polymaths, she was a physicist and chemist. Marie Curie made groundbreaking discoveries regarding radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
  • Nikola Tesla
    A brilliant inventor and engineer, Tesla was known for his contributions and the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems, wireless communication, and numerous other inventions and innovations
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson:
    An astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator, Tyson has expertise in multiple scientific disciplines and is known for his ability to communicate complex ideas to the public.
  • Buckminster Fuller:
    A visionary designer, architect, author, philosopher, inventor, and futurist, he developed significant contributions like the geodesic dome to sustainable architecture and global problem-solving.

Fuller inspired dome, AI generated @hardtfeld

Contemporary Scanner Personalities, Multipods, or Polymaths:

Hardtfeld - pencil sketch of Pyramids.

pencil sketch @hardtfeld

  • A modern-day Polymath I admire is Robert Edward Grand: 
    An exceptional scientist and spiritual seeker and finder. Please go ahead and visit his site – it is beyond mind-blowing how he fuses science and art with spirituality.
  • Elon Musk:
    – controversial entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, and visionary. He co-founded and leads several companies, including SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, focussing on space exploration, electric vehicles, and renewable energy.
  • Temple Grandin:
    A professor of animal science at Colorado State University, Grandin is also an author and advocate for autism and animal welfare, combining her expertise in animal behavior and autism advocacy.
  • Angela Duckworth:
    A psychologist and author known for her research on grit, perseverance, and success. Duckworth’s work spans psychology, education, and behavioral economics.
  • Michio Kaku:
    A theoretical physicist, futurist, and popularizer of science, Kaku explores concepts like string theory, parallel universes, and the future of humanity. His ability to communicate complex scientific ideas to the public has made him a prominent figure in the scientific community.

Summing up the benefits and pitfalls
of being a Scanner Personality, Multipotentialite, or Polymath:


Despite the challenges, people with traits associated with Scanner Personalities, Multipotentialites, or Polymaths also enjoy numerous benefits:

  • Versatility and Adaptability:

One of their key strengths is versatility and adaptability. Instead of feeling confined to a single path, they embrace diverse interests, contributing unique perspectives and skills to various fields. This flexibility allows them to excel in different domains and make significant contributions to society.

  • Broad Range of Interests and Talents:

They possess a diverse skill set and knowledge base, enabling them to excel in various fields and pursuits. Their wide range of interests allows them to explore new passions and acquire different skills, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Personal Fulfillment and Sense of Purpose:

Exploring diverse passions and pursuing multiple interests brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to their lives. They find joy in learning new things and are motivated by the excitement of discovery. This sense of purpose drives them to pursue their interests with enthusiasm and dedication.

  • Innovative Thinking and Creative Solutions:

Their ability to draw connections between disciplines and ideas often leads to innovative solutions and creative breakthroughs. They thrive in interdisciplinary collaborations, offering unique perspectives and insights.


Empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities may encounter various challenges and misconceptions:

  • Being a Jack of all trades

While versatility is a strength, the notion of being a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ can also present challenges. This term implies that individuals may have a basic level of skill or knowledge in various areas but may not excel or specialize in any particular field. As a result, they may struggle to establish themselves as experts or find fulfillment in traditional career paths that value specialization.

  • Indecisiveness and lack of focus:

Due to the tendency to explore multiple interests and passions, they have a reputation for being indecisive or lacking focus, especially in traditional career paths that value specialization.

  • Procrastination and perfectionism:

Fear of rejection and perfectionism can hinder individuals with these traits from fully realizing their potential. Heightened sensitivity to criticism and failure may lead to procrastination and obsessive attention to detail, making it difficult to execute ideas and complete projects. Over time, this may result in social and financial difficulties.

  • Overwhelm and sensory overload:

Heightened sensitivity to external stimuli can lead to feelings of overwhelm and sensory overload, particularly in noisy or chaotic environments. Empaths, HSPs, and scanner personalities may struggle to filter out irrelevant information, leading to exhaustion and anxiety.

  • Difficulty focusing and maintaining attention:

The constant influx of stimuli can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks. Empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities may encounter hurdles to maintain focus amidst distractions, leading to difficulties completing projects or following through on commitments – these are symptoms often related to the Reticular Activating System (RAS):

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) plays a crucial role in filtering sensory information and regulating arousal levels in the brain. An overactive or hypersensitive RAS can contribute to the symptoms experienced by empaths, HSPs, and Scanner Personalities. This hypersensitivity may result in difficulty filtering irrelevant stimuli, leading to sensory overload and overwhelm in stimulating environments. Additionally, they may experience heightened emotional responses and fluctuating attention levels due to the RAS’s role in regulating arousal and alertness.

Understanding the impact of the RAS on individuals with these personality traits can shed light on their experiences with sensory overwhelm and difficulty focusing. However, delving too deeply into neurobiological concepts like the RAS might detract from the main focus of exploring personality types and their connections to ADHD. Therefore, it’s essential to integrate this information seamlessly into the broader narrative to maintain reader engagement and clarity.

 Are you a Multi-Potentialite, Scanner, or even Polymath too? 

  • Your mind is like a melting pot of inspiration for probably more ideas than one human alone can transform into reality.
  • You question authorities and hierarchies. 
  • Decision-making is not so easy a task for you. 
  • Finishing projects can be daunting and haunting: sticking to one thing longer – so it can be financially fruit-bearing – feels likely almost impossible. 
  • You are very good at learning on your terms; thus, you are very often autodidactic. 
  • You are a well of information that you share with enthusiasm – if it is still on your excitement horizon.

Fusing all this knowledge can be challenging and often causes distress when not knowing how to pursue a career – and to make a living that satisfies the heart and senses long-term.

image generated with AI ©Hardtfeld

To overcome these challenges and embrace your unique strengths, consider the following strategies:

  • Embrace versatility:

Instead of viewing your diverse interests as a weakness, embrace and accept your versatility, seeing it as a strength. Leverage your ability to draw connections between various disciplines to innovate and problem-solve effectively.

  • Practice self-compassion:

Self-compassion and recognizing that it is okay to explore multiple interests are essential. Celebrate your achievements and progress along your unique paths, even if you deviate from conventional expectations.

  • Look for diversity in learning and career paths:

– Advocate for a more inclusive approach to education and career development.
– Embrace your multifaceted nature and pursue diverse interests.
– Create environments that nurture and support the growth of your scanner personality or multipotentiality, fostering innovation, creativity, and personal fulfillment.
– Harness your unique talents and perspectives of diverse interests, leading to a more vibrant and dynamic society.

  • Set clear goals: 

Setting clear goals and priorities helps us to stay focused, avoiding overwhelm by our diverse interests. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks can also help maintain momentum and motivation.

  • Movement:

Physical exercise and gentle movement are vital to regulate bodily and nervous system feedback. Try Tai Chi and Qi Gong, Yoga, dancing, or even running – they are our medicine!


  • Morning rituals and journaling:

Some routines are life-saving!
Installling a morning routine, incorporating journaling, and checking in with my down-sized to-do list helped me frame for personal and business success. 

  • Meditation and breathwork

After learning and deep diving into meditation and breathwork, I have come to the cconclusion that these two are the alpha and omega for a sane day-to-day life. Especially as a multipotentialite Empath with traces of ADHD – presence in the moment is a nourishing soil for inner resilience.

Hardtfeld: Presence is the present

How about transforming all this knowledge into a tool?

It could be your greatest asset – a true gift! Discover how it can serve you while also benefiting others. Within you lies the wonders you seek externally.
As a Scanner Personality and Empath with traces of ADHD, I’ve developed an actionable “Red Thread toolbox” comprising psychological and metaphysical components. Are you interested in unlocking your magic to facilitate the discovery of structure and strategy for your personal and business life?

It is safe to be yourself!

Sending much love from Hardtfeld,
with a prominent gate of the “Jack of all trades” in her HD profile 🙂
Click the button below to schedule a 15-minute discovery call for your priorities.


My aim is to help you
rise in love with yourself again.


Jackie Hardt @ Hardtfeld:I blend my expertise to help you develop your personal brand.


Inner & Outer Landscaping: Creating each moment with awareness. It is the pursuit of authentic being and doing.


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