Why you don’t have to
believe in Astrology

Why you don’t have to believe
in Astrology

May we remember our shared origins as stars, guiding each other home. 

cosmic trigger hardtfeld
cosmic trigger hardtfeld

Why you don’t have to believe in Astrology.

As I delved into the depths of metaphysical exploration, particularly in realms like Human Design and before that deeper into Astrology, my focus honed in on the nodes – the north node illuminating our path of learning and the south node hinting at what we’re here to teach.

In this journey, I stumbled upon an article by Laveena Archer, an IHDS Human Design Guide Teacher, Analyst Trainer, Rave Psychologist, Primary Health System Practitioner, Holistic Analyst, and Variable Teacher, who wrote about fixed stars.


hardtfeld fixed stars

Exploring these concepts, I invite others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration, perhaps finding resonance in the influence of cosmic energies on human consciousness.

If you are interested in diving deeper into these topics, and want to find your fixed star    have a look at the neutrino app, or you might want to check out Galactic Astrology:

Galactic Astrology

The term “galactic astrology” is found in a more esoteric and metaphysical context. Here, it refers to a form of astrology that includes the concept of a “Galactic Zodiac,” which is said to be aligned with “Alchemical Laws of God” and involves spiritual and consciousness evolution.

Galactic astrology can refer to either the scientific study of galaxies (galactic astronomy) or a spiritual belief system that combines astrology with concepts of cosmic consciousness and spiritual evolution.

This form of astrology is believed to be connected to the astrological signs which correspond to the time the Sun spends in their related constellations, and it includes a 13-sign zodiac system.

It is also associated with spiritual ascension and the influence of cosmic forces on human consciousness and evolution

I connected with Julia Balaz, who is a Qhht practioner, who learned from Dolores Cannon. Julia has developed a free site on ” Galactic Astrology”.

You can go here and look for your own Galactic background:
Here is thel ink to her page and the chart app

Naturally, my curiosity led me to explore further, eager to uncover the mythical narratives behind these celestial bodies. One such star, Alpheratz, also known as Alpha Andromedae, captured my attention. Upon discovering its significance in my chart, my heart swelled with warmth, as if recognizing an old friend.

Alpheratz, a radiant binary star system located 97 light-years from the Sun, holds historical significance reflected in its name, derived from the Arabic phrase “surrat al-faras” meaning “navel of the mare/horse,” linking it to the constellation Pegasus. Its mythic associations, including being referenced as the “head of the chained woman” in medieval astronomy, add layers of intrigue.

In Sidereal Astrology, Alpheratz, along with other stars in the Great Square of Pegasus, forms the nakshatras of Pūrva Bhādrapadā and Uttara Bhādrapadā.

The myth of Andromeda, a tale of bravery and love, further entwines with Alpheratz’s story, echoing through the cosmos alongside other alien races like the Pleiadians, Sirians, and Lyrans, revealing the vastness of our cosmic tapestry.

This exploration led me to delve into the concept of “Star Seeds,” which, while initially seeming distant, resonated deeply upon discovery. Andromedan Starseeds, beings of light committed to innovation and holistic healing, embody traits of freedom, intelligence, and creativity.

Their deep connection with nature and affinity for ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Egypt spoke to me on a profound level, resonating with my own experiences and interests. However, alongside their gifts, Andromedan Starseeds face challenges adapting to life on Earth, grappling with sensitivity and a yearning for liberation from conventional norms.

Despite these challenges, their mission of aiding humanity’s consciousness evolution remains steadfast. Through healing and self-discovery, they radiate compassionate light, embracing their true potential and guiding others on their earthly missions.

The symbolism associated with Andromedan Starseeds, including sacred geometry and the Triquetra symbol, further reinforces their connection to cosmic forces and spiritual evolution.

All in all it is hard for me not to see the connection. 🙂

Why you don't have to believe in Astrology: May we remember our shared origins as stars, guiding each other home.

“We who are nothing but stars, because that is what we are.
We are stars.”

Ra Uru Hu

“We all just walk each other home.”
Ram Dass

So, how about you? Shall we explore your chart next? You’ll find the cosmos speaking to you in ways you never imagined.

I am pretty sure you will not have to believe in Astrology after that. 🙂

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